Thursday, February 19, 2009

Time Prepositions

Your Result -

How well do you know your English prepositions? 1

A quiz on the use of "in," "on," and "at" in relation to time. Fill in the blanks.

1. Flowers bloom ___ May.

2. The game is ___ Wedenesday.

3. Snow fall in this city is quite heavy ___ winter.

4. William Shakespeare was born ___ the 16th century.

5. The meeting will start ___ 9:30.

6. Woodstock rocked the world ___ 1969.

7. My birthday is ___ June 14.

8. Disco was big ___ the '70s.

9. The packaged arrived ___ 7:00 PM last night.

10. We always have our family vacation ___ summer.

How did you do? Here are the basic time preposition rules.

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