Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wanna be Wednesday 1/13/2010

I want to be a native of Pandora. This is the setting of the popular science fiction movie, Avatar, which is written and directed by James Cameron. He won an Oscar for the movie, Titanic. Avatar is best seen in 3D. When you wear the 3D glasses you feel like you are there.

The natives of Pandora love their moon and respect all living things. They have no machines and use powerful creatures to transport themselves. The natives are able to move easily on land and in the air. They move up and down mountains and the tallest trees with ease. They live freely in a forest that they will never leave. They enjoy many stories about their ancestors and live peacefully. Their life has nothing to do with money, but their survival is dependant on understanding nature. They are not the highest creatures on the food chain. There are dangerous animals in the forest, and they must respect them to live safely. Could life really be this pure?

Here is an interview by the actress, Zoe Saldana, who plays the native, Neytiri. Her mother and father are the leaders of the natives called Navi. She describes Neytiri and the culture of the Navi in the movie, Avatar.

Other movie posts, 2009:

Wanna be Wednesday 6/3

Music Monday: Disney Nature "Earth"

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