Tuesday, June 23, 2009

English Mania

English is becoming more popular all over the world as a second language. Why? English is a universal language. That means English is a world language and many countries are using English to understand world issues. For some time, English has been one of the official languages for business communication.

As a teacher of English, I often wonder what will happen to the English language. Many old words from other languages make up the English vocabulary, and the English language is always growing. Each year new words are added to the dictionary. For example, technology advancements has added many new words to the dictionary. Even some expressions like "cool" add new meanings to words.

My biggest concern is what will happen to English grammar? If more people use English as their second language, will less and less people speak it well? How important is it to speak perfect English? No one speaks Shakespeare English in modern times, but in 50 years what will pass as spoken and written English?

In the following video, Jay Walker talks about English mania in other parts of the world. Mania means to have a lot of enthusiasm or excitement. Are people getting excited about learning English? Watch the video and find out.

How important is the English language in your country? Do students study for an important English test? Write a short comment about English tests in your country.


jenny said...

English is a very important subject and students start to learn it at primary school in Taiwan.
We have several entry tests for High schools and Universities. The score of English is one of the key points to decide what school you can go. If you want to go to a popular school, then you have to get a very high score of English.
English is important more and more in Taiwan because there are a lot of companies that come from western countries are set branchs there. They prefer offer jobs to people who speak English well. Therfore, People learn how to speak English is very common in Tainwan now.

Bonnie Ford said...

Jenny, Sounds like English is becoming more important in your country. Interesting.