Thursday, April 9, 2020

Catching Up

Hi everyone,

It's time to catch up. That means it's time to find out what is new. We have been at home since March Break. Life at home is very different now.

You can choose 3 of these questions and write the answers in the comment section below. Write in sentences.

You can write a reply to another persons comments.

1. Are you spending time with family? Who?

2. Do you listen to music? Play an instrument?

3. Do you exercise? How many minutes a day?

4. Do you like to cook? Do you freeze food now?

5. What can you do on the computer? Read? Talk?
Play games? Write messages?

6. Do you watch TV? Read books?

7. What have you stopped doing? Or started doing?

8. What activity do you do more?  Do less?

Go to "Comment" to write some answers.

Follow these steps:

  • See "Comment" below. Press it.
  • See circle beside "Name". Click the circle
  • See Name and box.Type your name in the box.
  • See "Leave your comment" and box. Type your message. (Correct sentences and spelling.)
  • See "I am not a robot". Click the box
  • See "Publish your comment". Press it.
  •  Then see your message.


Bonnie Ford said...

I am working so I am the computer. All the teachers are doing training on the computer. On the weekend. I like to read and watch Netflix. My daughter likes to play the guitar and we all like music. What about you?

Zargalam Akhundova said...

1. I am spending time with my daughter.

3. Yes i exercise 40 minutes a day.
4. Iike to cook. No i am not freezing now.
6. Yes, i watch movies on tv.
7. I have stopped walking and exercising in the community centre. I am less exercising now.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all exercise less. I ride my exercise bike everyday. Also, I still walk my dog once a day.

Sh. Afzali said...

1- Yes,I spend time with my family. My husband and my children.
4- Yes,I like to cook. I dont freeze food. I cook fresh food.
5- I can write messages on the computer.
6-Yes,I watch movies on the TV.
8- I wash my hands more and go out less.

Akram said...

1-Yes Iam spending time with my husband.
2-Yes I listen to persian and English musics but I can't play the instrument.
3-I have started to bake bread and cook every day and I wash my hands many times because of COVID-19 protocol,but I stopped shopping and my daughter shops foodstiuffs for me.

Elena said...

2. I listen to music every day on YouTube.My grandson plays violin and guitar.
3. I do morning exercises for 20 minutes three times a week.
7. My friends and I were meeting for good tea or coffee after class. Now we're stopped to do it, but we started calling each other.
8. I read books because is my hobby, but I have stopped walking in the park.

Uzma said...


-Yes I enjoy cooking
-Yes I spend time with my 4 kids and my husband
-Yes I listen to songs sometimes